Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Driving Update: Animals on the Alert

Dear Animal Kingdom:

As evidenced by the emissaries that were sent out to ambush my Sunday practice, you seem to have gotten news of my impending driving on Californian roads.

In a half hour session, I crossed paths with:
1 x cat
2 x dogs
1 x squirrel
2 x ducks

Did you really think you could get away with sending ducks unnoticed? Not the brown boring kind either–these were black with brilliant green. Oh, the audacity!

I am onto you, Animal Kingdom. I know you think you're going to crush my driving confidence and keep me off the roads. Think again, my furry friends, Think Again!

Aiming at you next time,



Unknown said...

Oh look, the flying duck! :P

Charleston said...

omg! u didnt road kill them i hope?

Ming said...

all critters in one piece...for now...

HM said...

I think they were sent by the Driving God to test you.

Charleston said...

sounds like an episode of happy tree friends...