Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Top 10 signs of impending holidayness

10. A new camera has arrived in the house (SLR!! eee!)
9. A notebook is busting full of errands and to-dos
8. The winter gear is seeing the light of day
7. A new International Hostels card has arrived too
6. Work is going bananas
5. Distinct rising level of panic at all the beds not booked and the tickets not bought
4. Distinct rising level of panic about how the hell I fancied myself a backpacker
3. Sudden franticness about organising stuff for after I get back (in a month!)
2. Gut-wrenching twistingness about the ever-expanding cost
1. it's T minus 6 til take off!!


HM said...

You go girl! Point #4 is funny as, but you can do it. Chichi backpacking! juz imaigne your bag's LV, weighs and looks a faction of what it actually is (since you can't see it coz it's on ya back) and holds only your pet chihuahua complete with BLING. Have a wonderful trip!!!:)

Ming said...

Thanks babe! "Chi Chi backpacker" hmmm could be a good title for a blog post :)

Miss T said...

T-1 now! Bon voyage milady.