Sunday, 13 January 2008

Cleaning Machine

Knackered! The Slave Driver (aka big sister) decided to get her money's worth before I leave by getting some spring cleaning in today. Chinese New Year is a big thing for our fam, so all home turf has to be given a top-to-toe before Feb 7 this year. Any cleaning on new year's day will mean you'll be mired in muck for the rest of the year. wtf! Xmas prep involves picking trees, putting up decorations and, if you're lucky, lavish amounts of baking. What kind of holiday practices did the Chinese come up with? Cleaning-related ones!! Seriously.

Well, the way we do it here is wake up with the first rays of noon. Watch the food channel for awhile. This is mandatory. Then, from under the covers on the couch, Slave Driver says "Ready to start?"

So ensues a good couple hours of getting our hot soapy water on. Then, someone will get hungry (not saying who. hint: not me). When the snacks come out, the TV comes on, and somehow we're making more progress on our Netflix DVDs of cheesy movies than the kitchen clean-out.

Cheesy movie comes to an end sooner than later thankfully and we get the rest of the job done in time for dinner. Finally benefiting from living in an apartment the size of 3 international postage stamps put together!


bee said...

Yeah, I hate spring cleaning. It might take ages to clean mine and I'd have to do double/triple when I get back to my hometown.

You're done in an afternoon, good!

miss clio said...

all in an afternoon?

GOD im jealous... it takes me forever to clean our house.. i guess it would help if i get off the sofa? :P

Miss Lotus said...

I am so not a slave driver! hehe. Who is the one that cannot move till the rays of noon? Been up for hours at that point...watching Food Network of course...Jamie is on at 930am.