Thursday, 19 April 2007

You know you're in San Francisco when...

...your cute welcome cake says "Welcome to the Bay Area", because REAL San Franciscans know that "San Francisco" only means the city bit and does not include all the bits around it. OK, geography lesson over, unless that's the kind of thing you're really into.


hongwee said...

love the 'Suckao' cup/glass.

Rhubarbee Mommee said...

Can't help it (as a designer), gotta say the cake decor is very very well done! Nothing like what I used to see on my own bday cakes as a kid. U ate the bridge?

Ming said...

hongers-me too! chocolate should always come via a contraption :)

rhubarbs-always eat the bridge. that's a life lesson

Miss T said...

I don't know which part I ate, but I ate a lot.

And thus can vouch for its absolute yumminess.